Hello there! Today's post, as you can probably tell from the title is... 40 relatable posts! These posts are a mixture of things, like for example most students can relate to the first one but number eight is probably one that everyone has experienced at least once in their life... the dreaded fear! I decided to break up my oneweek@Google series so that I wasn't just posting about the same thing for a while, but when you hear from me next, it will be me telling you all about Google! Enough waffling from me, hope you enjoy x
1. When the teacher asks
"Why do I hear people talking?"
Maybe because you have ears?I could be wrong though, you are the teacher after all!
2. Saying you'll wake up early in the morning to get something done, then when the morning comes, convincing yourself it really wasn't all that important.
3. I've got 99 problems and about 92 of them are all made up scenarios in my head that will probably actually never happen.
4. That dirty look you give the pavement when you turn around after tripping over it.
5. Dear Internet, thanks to you I now have 2 incomplete homework assignments, 4 hours of sleep and severe bags under my eyes. Cheers!
6. How many times do I have to be ignored when saying 'excuse me' before 'get the hell out of my way' becomes acceptable?
7. When your nanny says 'all the boys must be after you!' if you can find me one, be sure to let me know!
8. Running around in shear fear looking for your phone before realising its in your hand.
9. I'm not saying I hate you.. I'm just saying if you got hit by a bus, I would probably be driving that bus.
10. 'You're so annoying, I don't like you.'
'Cool story bro.'
11. The awkward moment when you're not sure if you actually have free time or if you're just forgetting everything that you have to do.
12. 'Who the hell took my.. Oh.. Here it is'
13. That one song is the reason you're afraid to put your phone/iPod on shuffle.
14. That moment of rejection when you reach down to rub your pet and they get up and walk away. 'Hey! Where do you think you're going? Remember I'm the one that feeds you!
15. 'What letter comes after Q?'
'abcdefghijklmnopqr.. It's r'
16. Being able to communicate with your best friend by simply using facial expressions.
17. Staring at dead bodies in films to see if you can catch them moving.
18. True self control is waiting until the film starts before you eat the popcorn.
19. Trying to complete something before the microwave hits 0 like your life depends on it.
20. When you're telling the truth but you accidentally smile so the person thinks you're lying.
21. Is there a reason for fake pockets?!
22. When you're checking yourself out in the reflection of a car window and realise someones sitting inside.
23. Not knowing your friends address but knowing exactly where their house is.
24. That annoying moment when you start the same story three times, but someone is STILL interrupting you. Could you not do that please?
25. Awkwardly standing there while your friend talks to someone you don't know.
26. Calculating how many hours of sleep you would get if you fall asleep right now.
27. That mini heart attack when you miss a step on the stairs.
28. Teaching your dog new tricks and going to show people but your dog decides its had enough and just looks at you.
29. Walking down the street listening to music and feeling like you're in a music video. Sing it Brittney!
30. When your mams friend is complaining about her daughter and your mother says "I have the same problem with mine" Ohh do you now.
31. The awkward moment when you realise you're making weird facial expressions to go along with the conversation you're having in your head.
32. When the boy you're crushing on asks to talks to you.....so he can see if your friend is single. He wasn't all that great anyways.
33. Being polite at a buffet and only taking a few things, but then realising everyone else has stocked up like foods going out of fashion! I'll be back buffet, me and you aren't over.
34. Coming up with a great idea for something and not telling anyone because you don't want them to steal it and they tell you their idea, which is the exact same as yours! You stole my thoughts god dammit! Not fair!
35. Spending all your money on food and clothes but yet you're still hungry, sitting in your room, trying to decide between the same five tops that you own. Is this life forever?!?!
36. Looking at your parents and thinking how grateful they should be that you're not a crazy drug addict, lunatic! *sigh*
37. Deciding between a treat for yourself and still having money left in your account at the end of the month...hmmm....what's the number for pizza hut again???
38. Listening to your favourite song, on repeat, 2655 times and then wondering why you're suddenly sick of it.
39. Watching a funny video and then showing your friends, trying to convince them that its hilarious. "Wait, it gets funnier" Maybe it wasn't as funny as we first thought.
40. Having amazing plans for Summer... but the realise you live in Ireland. It's O.K. I like getting lashed on at the beach.
So there you have it! I hope you could relate to a few of those, I know I could!haha. See you soon with another update!
Thanks for reading,
Michelle x
its a Quirky thing
Hello there! Welcome to my blog, I'm so happy you found me!haha. My name is Michelle I'm 16, Irish and a lover of all things quirky! Whatever you're interested in, I'm sure my blog has it! Come on board and follow me cause I know where I'm headed!;) Love, Michelle x
Sunday, 23 August 2015
40 Relatable Posts!
40 relatable posts,
teenage thoughts
Dublin, Ireland
Friday, 7 August 2015
My OneWeek@Google Day One!
Good Evening everyone! I'm back again with a new blog post all about my OneWeek@Google! I had originally planned to do this all in the one post but when I began writing I realised just how much explanation was needed, so instead of doing one, I'm going to be doing a four-part series of my OneWeek@Google! And yes, it really was as amazing as you'd think!haha.
So that's my first instalment of the four-part series 'MyOneWeek@Google'. Hope you enjoyed and I'll post part two within the next few days!
Thanks for reading,
Michelle x
Day 1
My week began on Tuesday the 7th of April and it started out with myself and a girl named Robyn- who was a mutual friend at the time, but then we became really good friends!- meeting at the bus stop and making our way into Google! When we departed the bus, we began a roughly ten minute walk towards the Google offices. The closer we got the more swallowed up we became in a sea full of highly intellectual, happy and bubbly Googlers, all chatting about how their Easter and bank holidays went. This was the first inkling that the Googlers were extremely happy to be working at Google because I've never seen people so excited to be returning to work after a bank holiday! Fast forward a couple of hours later and I could understand why!
Walking in the front door was overwhelming to say the least. Considering I'd never been in an environment like this before, I wasn't entirely sure just what to expect. There were bright colours everywhere, security in blue polo shirts, people walking along, chatting blissfully, clutching their Apple and Google gadgets and a fridge stacked with free refreshments! I had officially died and gone to heaven! (insert love heart eyes here)
We made our way upstairs and found 40 other Transition Year students all standing around exchanging names. Half nine came around and our Google buddies introduced themselves. We were all given passes with our names on them that would allow us to enter past the turnstiles and a card that displayed we were oneweek@googlers! This was were our exploration really began! Lifts at Google were far from normal, just like everything else there! Pressing floor eleven on the keypad and entering our designated lifts we were on our way.
Stepping out of the lift, my eyes lay on glass, beautiful, clean, sparkling glass. Looking down, I realised we were up high (if being on floor 11 wasn't enough of a clue, I don't know what exactly I was waiting for!) It was a magnificent view, to say the least. There were buildings stretching back as far as my eyes could see and a canoe race happening on the river. Total and utter bliss. To my right was a pool table and a fridge full of more refreshments such as ice tea, water, sparkling drinks and minerals. Around the corner from that, was a fooseball table. Working in Google must be so boring! Taking a left and walking straight, there were a couple of tables with chairs scattered around them. Again, surrounding this room was glass and if I thought I had seen a magnificent view, I had thought wrong!
People rushing to get to work looked like little blobs, the Aviva Stadium was within touching distance, or so it seemed, cars, buses and bikes filled the streets and houses and buildings looked like little mazes. 'I could get used to this' I thought. I later found out that every floor in Google had a theme and this floors theme just so happened to be 'Oceans Eleven'. I can see what they did there;)
A couple of introductions, agenda explaining and 40 students in utter disbelief and awe later, it was lunch time. Ever heard the expression 'happy as a fat kid in a candy shop'? Well if that same fat kid had of been at Google that day, he would have been bloody ecstatic! Five different restaurants, ranging from burgers and all different kinds of meats and salads to pizza and pastas. Not to mention the deserts. Freezing cold ice cream parallel with luxurious, warm chocolate brownies. Are you still with me?!?!? Take a look at this picture, which does the brownies absolutely no justice what so ever!
(p.s. I forgot to take a picture of the ice-cream, so this is only half of heaven!haha)
After we had put on the Google Stone- something all employees are supposed to put on within the first month of working there because of all the free food!haha- we returned to our base (floor eleven) and walked out onto the balcony (where I took the picture from above) to chat for a while. The weather was gorgeous and the view was so relaxing!
In the afternoon we were given a tour of the second office, which was just as mind boggling as the first! There were swings, music rooms and mini kitchens. Every floor had a different theme, for example, there was a Craggy Island themed floor (Father Ted) and an Alice in Wonderland themed floor too, where all of the items on that floor were upside down! Anything really was possible at Google. To finish the tour we all picked out an ice-cream from one of the freezers in the mini kitchens and headed back to our base.
Back on floor eleven, 40 Google bags filled with SWAG (something Googlers called little merchandise i.e. key rings and things like that) were handed out to each of us and that marked the end of our extremely memorable first day at Google! I was already looking forward to what day two had in store for us!
So that's my first instalment of the four-part series 'MyOneWeek@Google'. Hope you enjoyed and I'll post part two within the next few days!
Thanks for reading,
Michelle x
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
I'm Back! (if you'll have me!)
I've kind of made a mess of this whole blogging thing haven't I. Originally when I started I couldn't stop! But as the days went by one by one they all just blurred and here we are! Last update January the 16th and we're now in August. Its true what they say, time really does fly!
Any ways, I'm back:) and August is my month (I hope! haha). I'm hoping to really get stuck in to improving my blog and writing really good content for people who stumble across by blog to read! While we're on the topic of improving my blog, I'm really sorry for the lack of pictures, as you can probably tell, I'm new to this whole thing and haven't quite figured out the whole copyright pictures so I just thought the safest bet was to not use any pictures at all. I know a lot of people, including myself, love to read more visual blogs with lots of nice pictures in them so I'm really going to either try and figure out the copyright policy (I know there's some pictures that you can use that have a certain name but I can't remember the name for the life of me!) or else take pictures on my iPhone and upload them to my computer to use.
I've really wanted to write a post about Summer styles and trends but I thought it wouldn't be much good without pictures because I'd basically be just trying to explain the styles to you which wouldn't be much fun to read!haha. Seen as how Summer is almost over (not that we got much of it here in Ireland anyway!) maybe I could do a post about Autumn styles and it would also be a lot more up-to-date and relate able!
I return to school in September but am hoping to maybe update my blog twice a week, I'll probably write the posts whenever I have time and just upload them on certain days like maybe a Tuesday and Saturday? I haven't fully decided yet but I'm sure once I start writing and uploading I'll just fall into a pattern!
My sisters Debs is coming up in the next few weeks (4th of September to be exact!) and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not sure if there are many people who would be interested in Debs related blog posts, but if you are let me know and I can write a post about tips and stuff or about the journey we had of trying to find her the perfect dress(a journey that is still in progress!).
I don't want this post to be too long because its just about me saying I'm back but mainly because I don't want to bore people!haha:) So I'll leave it here, but once again, thanks for reading! I really do appreciate it! and I look forward to writing a lot more blog posts for you!
Speak to you soon,
Michelle x
Any ways, I'm back:) and August is my month (I hope! haha). I'm hoping to really get stuck in to improving my blog and writing really good content for people who stumble across by blog to read! While we're on the topic of improving my blog, I'm really sorry for the lack of pictures, as you can probably tell, I'm new to this whole thing and haven't quite figured out the whole copyright pictures so I just thought the safest bet was to not use any pictures at all. I know a lot of people, including myself, love to read more visual blogs with lots of nice pictures in them so I'm really going to either try and figure out the copyright policy (I know there's some pictures that you can use that have a certain name but I can't remember the name for the life of me!) or else take pictures on my iPhone and upload them to my computer to use.
I've really wanted to write a post about Summer styles and trends but I thought it wouldn't be much good without pictures because I'd basically be just trying to explain the styles to you which wouldn't be much fun to read!haha. Seen as how Summer is almost over (not that we got much of it here in Ireland anyway!) maybe I could do a post about Autumn styles and it would also be a lot more up-to-date and relate able!
I return to school in September but am hoping to maybe update my blog twice a week, I'll probably write the posts whenever I have time and just upload them on certain days like maybe a Tuesday and Saturday? I haven't fully decided yet but I'm sure once I start writing and uploading I'll just fall into a pattern!
My sisters Debs is coming up in the next few weeks (4th of September to be exact!) and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not sure if there are many people who would be interested in Debs related blog posts, but if you are let me know and I can write a post about tips and stuff or about the journey we had of trying to find her the perfect dress(a journey that is still in progress!).
I don't want this post to be too long because its just about me saying I'm back but mainly because I don't want to bore people!haha:) So I'll leave it here, but once again, thanks for reading! I really do appreciate it! and I look forward to writing a lot more blog posts for you!
Speak to you soon,
Michelle x
Friday, 16 January 2015
Our Imagination
Amongst the rebels and the noisy ones, is where you'll find us
Fighting to be heard or even just acknowledged
"Its a tough world out there" we hear, but how many of us actually believe it?
Contradiction after contradiction, we face
We're told its black and white, but what we should really pay heed to, is the grey
Two wrongs don't make a right, but what happens when two rights contradict each other?
The right for a woman to live, the right for her baby to live, who's right is more important?
Unanswered questions posed as rhetorical questions
Could this be because we don't know the answer?
Does this make us uneducated or stupid?
When faced with a dilemma which involves our loved ones, do our morals go out the window?
"The end justifies the means" chants around and around in our heads
What lengths would we reach to protect our loved ones?
In a world full of crime, racism, and hatred, who are the real criminals?
Are they the 'gangsters' roaming the streets, with a gun shoved down their trousers or
Are they the men in suits in charge of running our country?
Tax after tax, unemployment after unemployment
Families struggling to make ends meat
Has this forced us to turn on one another?
Suicide, rape and mass murders happen every day of our lives
Do we turn a blind eye or have we become accustomed to it?
Society tells us to be different, being the same as everyone else is boring, right?
But when it really comes down to it, being accepted is what we all crave
Who wants to be the outsider, the weird one?
They're called "social media websites" but what's social about sitting behind a screen?
Popularity is measured by the number of friends we have on Facebook or
The number of followers we have on Twitter and Instagram
Likes, comments, and re-tweets have become a massive wave and engulfed us along the way.
Money has made us greedy,
Which in turn, has made us selfish.
Lies have become an everyday occurrence
Which in turn, has changed who we are.
Power has consumed us
Taking over how we think and how we act
Why be a follower when you can be a leader?
We live in a world where every day is a struggle or an uphill battle for at least one person,
Beauty pageant contestants are taught to say they wish for "world peace" but
is that such a bad thing?
Could you imagine a world where you don't wake up and have to read the news about people being murdered because of religion or because of different beliefs?
A world where you can leave your front door open without the fear of being robbed?
A world where you can let your kids play outside without them being kidnapped?
A world without illegal drugs, instead of escaping our problems, we tackle them head on, together.
A world without rape and domestic abuse, so that women and men don't have to be afraid to walk down the street in the dark or be afraid to commit to a relationship?
A world where all races and religions are accepted and respected?
A world where there are equal rights for both men and women?
A world where prostitution and child trafficking is unheard of.
A world where child slavery didn't exist?
A world where freedom of speech didn't result in mass murdering?
A world where everyone has access to food, water and education?
A world where position of power is not abused?
A world where war and destruction is just a memory of the past and not something to be feared of in the future?
A world where a teenage girl seeking an education doesn't get shot in the head?
Can you imagine a world where everyone is happy and healthy and we all work together to develop our world and perserve it for our generations to come?
Can you imagine what our world would be like if we all wished for world peace?
But its just our imagination, right?

Friday, 26 December 2014
The Morning After
In case you've read the title and think this blog is going to be some in detail description of how a young girl made a huge mistake on Christmas day after taking the celebrations too far and decided to drink one shot of vodka too much and has now woken up and decided to take to her laptop to express her feelings and emotions of mostly OMG I cannot believe this happened and OMG I cannot believe I actually did this! Firstly, you must be crazy because, em, hello, always classy, never trashy and secondly, I'm sorry, cause actually, this is just a blog post about how this morning was the morning after I had posted my very first blog post and how excited I was to get back on here to write a new post all about, anything actually.
So, right now I'm sitting in my sitting room, one eye watching Ali (Muhammad Ali film) and the other eye on my laptop writing my second blog post, (wouldn't it be so cool if we could have one eye looking at something and the other eye on something else!), real life scenario will actually show that my ears on Ali and my eyes on my laptop. Of course I give Ali the occasional glance, who wouldn't?! Lets talk about Ali for a minute. His pace, his skill, his determination, his stamina, his confident attitude- both inside and outside the ring-, his balance and we can't forget about his footwork- the shuffle!- he was the perfect boxer! You didn't have to be into boxing or support him to learn something from him.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see"
I'm not even finished this blog post yet and I'm already planning what I want to talk about on my next one! I wont say what topic I want to discuss just yet in case I decide to change my mind but I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of a motivational discussion something about choosing what you want to do with your life or what direction you want your life to go in. I know I just said I wasn't going to say what I was going to discuss and then went and said it but, hey, things happen! And maybe my next blog post will be the complete opposite to what I have planned. I'll probably end up writing about how I love to sit around all day and let life pass me by (note: this happens only occasionally and when it does I usually get a talking to from my mother telling me that I'm only young once and to not let my life slip through my fingers and get away from me) haha!
I'll finish this blog post off here because I don't want people to get board reading my posts when they're about nothing in particular. I think from now on I'll have a little more structure to my blogs, but seeing as how this is only my second post and who knows what will happen in the near future I won't commit to anything. Maybe I'll continue to blog as if I'm writing a diary for everyone to see and just vent my thoughts. Of course, if, I decide to change my blogging ways and find that the seven people out there who have read my last blog post (hello! and thank you for reading:) you're my new friends and I appreciate you taking the time to read it! plus you're all really cool for reading it so yeah high five!) prefer to read more structured blogs compared to free lance blogs or vice versa I have no problem with writing what you want to read!
Until next time,
Michelle x

Thursday, 25 December 2014
Living up to the title of my blog!
Writing a blog, difficult? Tricky? Tiring? You tell me seeing as how by the time we reach the end of this blog you'll probably be aware that I haven't got the foggiest notion about what I'm doing.
Anyways, hello! My name is Michelle and if you didn't already guess this is my first blog post. Round of applause for me!
I had the intention of telling you all about me in this first blog (its always good to have intentions!) but then, suddenly, had a brainwave and thought "hey, who the hell wants to read a blog post about someone they don't even know telling them about themselves?" Totally contradictory, but I hope you caught the jist of what I was trying to say.
I'm from Dublin by the way, and I tend to forget that everyday sayings for me are complete and utter gibberish for others, so excuse me if you get lost along the way, my apologies!
I titled this particular blog post 'Living up to the title of my blog' which is: 'itsaQuirkything' , (computer high five if you get it!) but I'm a little lost as to what type of articles I would like to feature on my blog. I originally had wanted to call my blog 'thepossibilitiesareendless' which I had seen on Zoella's FAQ blogpost way back when. (Another computer high five if you read her blog and watch her YouTube videos! and good blog naming to whoever owns the blog titled 'thepossibilitiesareendless'!) I was convinced that that was the perfect name for my blog seeing as how I wasn't a thousand percent sure on which way I wanted my blog to go and what I wanted to write about, I thought the name was a universal name that would fit and work with just about any topic that I could think I might want to write about on here, however my blogging dreams came crashing down when I realised someone else in the blogging community had had the exact same thought process as me, only earlier! When I finally managed to pick myself up after such a set back, (note sarcasm) and after trolling through many motivational and inspirational quote pages in a desperate search of a blog name, I decided to abandon all other open tabs apart from my blog tab and stare blankly at my empty blog name section, so empty, so bare. In my defense, not more than a minute later had I typed in my new blog name, only to be greeted with a beautiful green light, telling me that no one else in this wonderful blogging community had chosen this name and that it was all mine to use! (come to think of it I'm not so sure there was a green light there to greet me, but for the purpose of this blog we'll just stick with it!) Moral of the story, internet is not needed for everything these days. Mind you, I can't imagine myself turning down a google search to rely totally on my brain!
So yeah! That's my story on how I have started my blog and am about to embark on a wonderful blogging journey, along with my inspiration for choosing a blog name. Remember all this for when I have a world famous blog, you can tell your grand kids that you read my first every blog post!;)
Toodles for now,
Michelle x
P.S. in a year from now I bet I'll look back at this and nearly kill myself from embarrassment or at least knock myself out from cringiness!:)
P.P.S Happy Christmas! I Hope you had a great day and spent it with family and friends and ate more than your stomach can handle and then shoved some quality street in on top;)

P.P.S Happy Christmas! I Hope you had a great day and spent it with family and friends and ate more than your stomach can handle and then shoved some quality street in on top;)
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