Writing a blog, difficult? Tricky? Tiring? You tell me seeing as how by the time we reach the end of this blog you'll probably be aware that I haven't got the foggiest notion about what I'm doing.
Anyways, hello! My name is Michelle and if you didn't already guess this is my first blog post. Round of applause for me!
I had the intention of telling you all about me in this first blog (its always good to have intentions!) but then, suddenly, had a brainwave and thought "hey, who the hell wants to read a blog post about someone they don't even know telling them about themselves?" Totally contradictory, but I hope you caught the jist of what I was trying to say.
I'm from Dublin by the way, and I tend to forget that everyday sayings for me are complete and utter gibberish for others, so excuse me if you get lost along the way, my apologies!
I titled this particular blog post 'Living up to the title of my blog' which is: 'itsaQuirkything' , (computer high five if you get it!) but I'm a little lost as to what type of articles I would like to feature on my blog. I originally had wanted to call my blog 'thepossibilitiesareendless' which I had seen on Zoella's FAQ blogpost way back when. (Another computer high five if you read her blog and watch her YouTube videos! and good blog naming to whoever owns the blog titled 'thepossibilitiesareendless'!) I was convinced that that was the perfect name for my blog seeing as how I wasn't a thousand percent sure on which way I wanted my blog to go and what I wanted to write about, I thought the name was a universal name that would fit and work with just about any topic that I could think I might want to write about on here, however my blogging dreams came crashing down when I realised someone else in the blogging community had had the exact same thought process as me, only earlier! When I finally managed to pick myself up after such a set back, (note sarcasm) and after trolling through many motivational and inspirational quote pages in a desperate search of a blog name, I decided to abandon all other open tabs apart from my blog tab and stare blankly at my empty blog name section, so empty, so bare. In my defense, not more than a minute later had I typed in my new blog name, only to be greeted with a beautiful green light, telling me that no one else in this wonderful blogging community had chosen this name and that it was all mine to use! (come to think of it I'm not so sure there was a green light there to greet me, but for the purpose of this blog we'll just stick with it!) Moral of the story, internet is not needed for everything these days. Mind you, I can't imagine myself turning down a google search to rely totally on my brain!
So yeah! That's my story on how I have started my blog and am about to embark on a wonderful blogging journey, along with my inspiration for choosing a blog name. Remember all this for when I have a world famous blog, you can tell your grand kids that you read my first every blog post!;)
Toodles for now,
Michelle x
P.S. in a year from now I bet I'll look back at this and nearly kill myself from embarrassment or at least knock myself out from cringiness!:)
P.P.S Happy Christmas! I Hope you had a great day and spent it with family and friends and ate more than your stomach can handle and then shoved some quality street in on top;)

P.P.S Happy Christmas! I Hope you had a great day and spent it with family and friends and ate more than your stomach can handle and then shoved some quality street in on top;)
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