Tuesday, 4 August 2015

I'm Back! (if you'll have me!)

I've kind of made a mess of this whole blogging thing haven't I. Originally when I started I couldn't stop! But as the days went by one by one they all just blurred and here we are! Last update January the 16th and we're now in August. Its true what they say, time really does fly!

Any ways, I'm back:) and August is my month (I hope! haha). I'm hoping to really get stuck in to improving my blog and writing really good content for people who stumble across by blog to read! While we're on the topic of improving my blog, I'm really sorry for the lack of pictures, as you can probably tell, I'm new to this whole thing and haven't quite figured out the whole copyright pictures so I just thought the safest bet was to not use any pictures at all. I know a lot of people, including myself, love to read more visual blogs with lots of nice pictures in them so I'm really going to either try and figure out the copyright policy (I know there's some pictures that you can use that have a certain name but I can't remember the name for the life of me!) or else take pictures on my iPhone and upload them to my computer to use.

I've really wanted to write a post about Summer styles and trends but I thought it wouldn't be much good without pictures because I'd basically be just trying to explain the styles to you which wouldn't be much fun to read!haha. Seen as how Summer is almost over (not that we got much of it here in Ireland anyway!) maybe I could do a post about Autumn styles and it would also be a lot more up-to-date and relate able!

I return to school in September but am hoping to maybe update my blog twice a week, I'll probably write the posts whenever I have time and just upload them on certain days like maybe a Tuesday and Saturday? I haven't fully decided yet but I'm sure once I start writing and uploading I'll just fall into a pattern!

My sisters Debs is coming up in the next few weeks (4th of September to be exact!) and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not sure if there are many people who would be interested in Debs related blog posts, but if you are let me know and I can write a post about tips and stuff or about the journey we had of trying to find her the perfect dress(a journey that is still in progress!).

I don't want this post to be too long because its just about me saying I'm back but mainly because I don't want to bore people!haha:) So I'll leave it here, but once again, thanks for reading! I really do appreciate it! and I look forward to writing a lot more blog posts for you!

Speak to you soon,
Michelle x

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