In case you've read the title and think this blog is going to be some in detail description of how a young girl made a huge mistake on Christmas day after taking the celebrations too far and decided to drink one shot of vodka too much and has now woken up and decided to take to her laptop to express her feelings and emotions of mostly OMG I cannot believe this happened and OMG I cannot believe I actually did this! Firstly, you must be crazy because, em, hello, always classy, never trashy and secondly, I'm sorry, cause actually, this is just a blog post about how this morning was the morning after I had posted my very first blog post and how excited I was to get back on here to write a new post all about, anything actually.
So, right now I'm sitting in my sitting room, one eye watching Ali (Muhammad Ali film) and the other eye on my laptop writing my second blog post, (wouldn't it be so cool if we could have one eye looking at something and the other eye on something else!), real life scenario will actually show that my ears on Ali and my eyes on my laptop. Of course I give Ali the occasional glance, who wouldn't?! Lets talk about Ali for a minute. His pace, his skill, his determination, his stamina, his confident attitude- both inside and outside the ring-, his balance and we can't forget about his footwork- the shuffle!- he was the perfect boxer! You didn't have to be into boxing or support him to learn something from him.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see"
I'm not even finished this blog post yet and I'm already planning what I want to talk about on my next one! I wont say what topic I want to discuss just yet in case I decide to change my mind but I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of a motivational discussion something about choosing what you want to do with your life or what direction you want your life to go in. I know I just said I wasn't going to say what I was going to discuss and then went and said it but, hey, things happen! And maybe my next blog post will be the complete opposite to what I have planned. I'll probably end up writing about how I love to sit around all day and let life pass me by (note: this happens only occasionally and when it does I usually get a talking to from my mother telling me that I'm only young once and to not let my life slip through my fingers and get away from me) haha!
I'll finish this blog post off here because I don't want people to get board reading my posts when they're about nothing in particular. I think from now on I'll have a little more structure to my blogs, but seeing as how this is only my second post and who knows what will happen in the near future I won't commit to anything. Maybe I'll continue to blog as if I'm writing a diary for everyone to see and just vent my thoughts. Of course, if, I decide to change my blogging ways and find that the seven people out there who have read my last blog post (hello! and thank you for reading:) you're my new friends and I appreciate you taking the time to read it! plus you're all really cool for reading it so yeah high five!) prefer to read more structured blogs compared to free lance blogs or vice versa I have no problem with writing what you want to read!
Until next time,
Michelle x