Amongst the rebels and the noisy ones, is where you'll find us
Fighting to be heard or even just acknowledged
"Its a tough world out there" we hear, but how many of us actually believe it?
Contradiction after contradiction, we face
We're told its black and white, but what we should really pay heed to, is the grey
Two wrongs don't make a right, but what happens when two rights contradict each other?
The right for a woman to live, the right for her baby to live, who's right is more important?
Unanswered questions posed as rhetorical questions
Could this be because we don't know the answer?
Does this make us uneducated or stupid?
When faced with a dilemma which involves our loved ones, do our morals go out the window?
"The end justifies the means" chants around and around in our heads
What lengths would we reach to protect our loved ones?
In a world full of crime, racism, and hatred, who are the real criminals?
Are they the 'gangsters' roaming the streets, with a gun shoved down their trousers or
Are they the men in suits in charge of running our country?
Tax after tax, unemployment after unemployment
Families struggling to make ends meat
Has this forced us to turn on one another?
Suicide, rape and mass murders happen every day of our lives
Do we turn a blind eye or have we become accustomed to it?
Society tells us to be different, being the same as everyone else is boring, right?
But when it really comes down to it, being accepted is what we all crave
Who wants to be the outsider, the weird one?
They're called "social media websites" but what's social about sitting behind a screen?
Popularity is measured by the number of friends we have on Facebook or
The number of followers we have on Twitter and Instagram
Likes, comments, and re-tweets have become a massive wave and engulfed us along the way.
Money has made us greedy,
Which in turn, has made us selfish.
Lies have become an everyday occurrence
Which in turn, has changed who we are.
Power has consumed us
Taking over how we think and how we act
Why be a follower when you can be a leader?
We live in a world where every day is a struggle or an uphill battle for at least one person,
Beauty pageant contestants are taught to say they wish for "world peace" but
is that such a bad thing?
Could you imagine a world where you don't wake up and have to read the news about people being murdered because of religion or because of different beliefs?
A world where you can leave your front door open without the fear of being robbed?
A world where you can let your kids play outside without them being kidnapped?
A world without illegal drugs, instead of escaping our problems, we tackle them head on, together.
A world without rape and domestic abuse, so that women and men don't have to be afraid to walk down the street in the dark or be afraid to commit to a relationship?
A world where all races and religions are accepted and respected?
A world where there are equal rights for both men and women?
A world where prostitution and child trafficking is unheard of.
A world where child slavery didn't exist?
A world where freedom of speech didn't result in mass murdering?
A world where everyone has access to food, water and education?
A world where position of power is not abused?
A world where war and destruction is just a memory of the past and not something to be feared of in the future?
A world where a teenage girl seeking an education doesn't get shot in the head?
Can you imagine a world where everyone is happy and healthy and we all work together to develop our world and perserve it for our generations to come?
Can you imagine what our world would be like if we all wished for world peace?
But its just our imagination, right?